Archive for April 2021

This is where the blogs come in (2)

There is another very tangible effect of the blogs: saving other clubs from the people who looted City Tatts.

The prime example is Tweedledum. This hopeless failure was the highest paid Secretary/Manager in the industry, on an incredible $600,000 salary. But it took the City Tatts committee 12 years to wake up to him and march him off the premises.

Now going on what normally happens in the club industry there is every chance Tweedledum would have got a senior role in another club by now and be well on the way to destroying it as well. Especially when the ‘official explanation’ from chairman Tweedledee is that they just couldn’t agree on a new contract with him.

But in 5 years not one club has offered Tweedledum a job, not even collecting glasses which is where he started at City Tatts. This must be down to the blogs.

This is a valuable service to the rest of the industry, whether they know it or not.

Think about it. If there had been a member’s blog at Dooley’s Catholic Club when Veloz was sacked for thieving would he ever have made it to City Tatts?

Save City Tatts Committee

This is where the blogs come in

One of the big changes in the Latter-Day City Tatts, ie. after 2004, was the enormous effort committee and management put into offering excuses to explain the downhill slide of the club, when the chronic mismanagement by Tweedledum was clearly the problem.

The list of excuses is far too long to go into here but if you are interested they are well covered in previous blogs. But take it for granted nothing was too stupid or too dishonest to use as an excuse. They blamed the club’s decline on everything from the CBD location to the war in Iraq. They even blamed the weather.

As you know the club is now in serious trouble so it’s a certainty that Tweedledee and The Marshmallow are preparing their latest excuses. And you can be sure top of their list will be their biggest lie yet: that coronavirus finished City Tatts.

But don’t be fooled.

Chronic mismanagement destroyed City Tatts. Fifteen years of chronic mismanagement meant the club went into the coronavirus lockdown already in a severely weakened condition. You can check this for yourself. Ten years of blogs have left a complete history of the incompetence, rorts and looting that brought the club to its knees.

With proper management City Tatts would not only have gone into the coronavirus lockdown in a much stronger position but had the potential to emerge bigger and better, as the last man standing among CBD clubs.

Save City Tatts Committee

Tony Guilfoyle proves there is a free lunch – at City Tatts! (2)

See how Guilfoyle showed his colours at an early stage?

Hayes-Williams should have known better but being a weak individual he decided to do as the Romans do when in Rome. This translates to “when in City Tatts in Tony Guilfoyle’s company, steal with pride”.

Now for the uninitiated The Weasel is Humpty Dumpty’s brother-in-law, another oxygen thief, although he was too cunning to join the Lunch Club. As it happens being so fat he probably didn’t need another feed so this might have been more good luck than good management.

We are finding out more about these goings-on and will report back with relish. But it’s a safe bet that where Tweedledum, Humpty Dumpty and now The Weasel are mentioned in the one breath it could only mean the club was worse off for their being there.

Stay tuned for more, it’s going to be interesting.

Save City Tatts Committee

Tony Guilfoyle proves there is a free lunch – at City Tatts!

Remember the Lunch Box? The charity drive where Guilfoyle would feed the kids at St Joeys with club food? The kids in his eldest son’s class? The same Lunch Box run the then Mrs Guilfoyle would do? The mercy dash from the South Cronulla mansion into City Tatts to collect the trolley load of misappropriated and unaccounted-for food, then out to Joey’s to deliver the food to kids who probably didn’t really need a free meal?

Gee when you look at the journey she took to deliver purloined hamburgers and sandwiches to the over privileged kids at St Joeys it makes you wonder if she ever saw anything wrong in it, but then again she did it for years so only she could tell us what she thought of it.

Now have you heard of the Lunch Club? It’s easy to get this confused with the Lunch Box so guessing you haven’t heard of the Lunch Club let us tell you all about it. We have made contact with a former insider at City Tatts who has been captivated by the blogs. This friend of the Save City Tatts desks has the most amazing stories to tell, starting with this one:

Tony Guilfoyle wasn’t just a dud as a manager, he used to cheat the club any way he could. He would go to lunch every day in the old Corinthian Room with another swindler, Peter Hayes-Williams, known in some circles as The Weasel. This is the same Hayes-Williams who rorted the Bookies Super Fund. These two ‘high level’ managers would meet every day for lunch and chew the fat, probably working out who to cheat next, but all along they were robbing the club of the wages they got for the time they were supposed to be working. They would sit in the Corinthian Room for hours and talk. How they got away with it is anyone’s business.”

Save City Tatts Committee

A real City Tatts legend: Ray Smith (Part 2)

There is another chapter in the Ray Smith story that you ought to know about.

We hear that he fell out with the committee towards the end of his tenure over the choice of Tony Guilfoyle as his successor.

We understand that the more he saw of Guilfoyle the less he liked. Eventually he went to the committee and directly advised them that appointing Guilfoyle was a serious mistake and urged them to reconsider.

From where we sit that is real legend stuff. In fact instead of being named a legend he should be knighted.

Save City Tatts Committee

A real City Tatts legend: Ray Smith

If anyone deserved to be called a City Tatts legend it would have to be the late Ray Smith.

Ray started at City Tatts in 1960, worked his way through the ranks, becoming CEO in 1983 before retiring in 2003.

He came through the old ‘school of hard knocks’ system and by all accounts held the club together during his tenure. Under his guidance the club reached the highest point in its history. He was the last CEO who could say he left the club better than when he found it.

We salute you, Ray Smith.

Save City Tatts Committee

The genius of the Marshmallow Management Method

The recent instalment in the troubled history of the Korean $2 shop (See recent blog Get your Korean souvenirs from the Gadigal Room!) is another reminder of how much the Marshmallow Management Method is providing the real entertainment at City Tatts these days.

City Tatts has one of the best trading locations in Sydney, despite anything Tweedledee might be telling you. It has a passing trade of thousands every day which practically guarantees a successful club if there was even basic management in place.

But currently City Tatts is operated according to the Management Management Method. (See numerous previous blogs) So how did the Marshmallow Management Method utilise the club’s prized location?

For some reason the MMM determined that the best use of the club’s location would be to rent the Masquerade area to a Korean $2 shop and rent part of the front desk to a foreign currency exchange. Now you may have noticed that both of these businesses depend entirely on overseas travel. That’s right, the MMM decided to ignore the thousands walking by the front door every day and instead rely on Koreans flying to Sydney and Australians going overseas.

Well you know the result. The money exchange is gone and if you want Korean souvenirs you now have to enter sacred Aboriginal ground on the second floor.

So you be the judge. Is The Marshmallow unlucky or just an imbecile?

Save City Tatts Committee

The similarities between Melissa Caddick and Tony Guilfoyle are so uncanny (2)

Now let us look in more detail at the similarities between Caddick and Guilfoyle.

Caddick has been accused of robbing her clients of $25 million and while this was going on she was paying the National Australia Bank $19,500 a month in mortgage repayments on her Dover Heights mansion. However she only managed to pay $127,000 off the principal between 2014 and March 2021. Let’s repeat this, she paid $127k off the principal on her home loan in 7 years. So what else did she spend the money on?

Before we answer that one let’s look at Guilfoyle. He borrowed $10 million to buy 194 Pitt St in 2007 and when he was sacked in 2016 he had managed to pay the princely sum of $0 off the principal. Yes that is correct, not one dollar. Furthermore he paid $14,000 a week in interest, but nothing off the principal.

Now let’s look at his residential home. He was earning $600,000 a year as CEO and given this it is a reasonable assumption that he would have paid off his home loan. But when his wife found out about his fuck buddies like Tanya Purdy and Kirsty Assad to name only two she wanted out. When it came time to chop up the family fortune you can imagine the woman’s dismay to discover that the family home in the dress circle location of South Cronulla was mortgaged to the hilt. In fact all the poor woman got out of it was enough to buy a small unit.

So Guilfoyle not only fucked the club by paying copious amounts of interest for 194 Pitt St, he also fucked his family over by mortgaging the family home so there was little or nothing left for them after the wife divorced him for his infidelities ie. rooting his female ‘executives’.

The similarities between Caddick and Guilfoyle are uncanny to say the least.

Save City Tatts Committee

The similarities between Melissa Caddick and Tony Guilfoyle are so uncanny

Now we all know what a skilled and crafted thief Tony Guilfoyle was. He was a gold medallist in the stealing stakes, but Melissa Caddick was his equal. Now both had a penchant for thieving and spending other people’s money but that’s where the similarities start, not end.

As we know Caddick robbed her friends, and as we more than know Guilfoyle also robbed his friends, everyone he called family at City Tatts. He just robbed the club any way he could which has been exposed more than enough times on this blog.

After Caddick was exposed by the Australian Federal Police she went missing. Now would it surprise you to hear Guilfoyle has also gone missing after his stealing spree at City Tatts? There have been some sightings of the prick in and around Sydney but he has kept, and continues to keep, a very low profile. He is virtually the invisible man. Just as Caddick was the invisible woman except for that foot that washed up on a South Coast beach a month ago.

Now regarding Caddick’s shoe containing what is thought to be her foot when it washed up on the beach, one keen watcher of the blogs was asked what would happen if one of Guilfoyle’s shoes washed up on a beach. Our man made us laugh out loud when he said “I doubt you could fit that much shit in one shoe!”

Save City Tatts Committee

Campion loves a cheque doesn’t he? (Part 2)

The most revealing thing about this is Campion even wanting his photo on the front cover of the book. It’s a classic telltale sign of a man craving publicity – while avoiding members if at all possible. How often do you see him in the club these days? Virtually never, but he has positioned himself front and centre of the book’s cover donating the said cheque. This is a prime example of a megalomaniac at work, a real “look at me, look at me” scenario at play here.

We just hope the National Jockey’s Trust has banked the cheque because if they haven’t and are holding on to it might soon be worthless. We say this because this is a club that rented out part of its front desk to a money exchange in a desperate bid to raise funds.

Come to think of it, just why would the club be giving anyone ten big ones when they have no money to give? But then again Campion is claiming his $20,000 honorarium every year from the same bank account that has no money.

Just goes to show that the tag line “There is no other club like City Tatts” has been reinforced again in the strongest possible way.

Save City Tatts Committee